I Fell Pregnant (4)

3 min readMay 12, 2024


Disclaimer: This is solely my experience and it in no way invalidates (or validates) your own experience. So, when you read these words, read them as what I intend them to be — a testimony. If you must pick a lesson, pick the soul of it, not necessarily the experience. Selah!

At that moment when I decided to borrow from my husband’s faith, I started to see clearly. It wasn’t that simple though. One moment, I’ll see clearly, the next moment, my sight goes blurry. I think one of the things that makes faith hard is when your reality is the direct opposite of what you are praying for but did I try? I fought tirelessly.

In the fifth month, I stopped taking my prenatal medicine altogether. I wasn’t taking it regularly before though but when I figured that it was a major trigger for my numerous illnesses, I stopped. Am I advising you to do the same? No. Even though I felt at peace to stop taking it and my husband agreed to it, I had to prioritize eating foods that had the nutrients in those medicines. We did not tell anyone about it, not even our doctors. They would have been vehemently against it but it felt like the right thing to do for me. And did it work? You have your answer. Again, I do not recommend this. Remember, this is solely my experience. It doesn’t have to be yours.

In the sixth month, things were regulated. I could now drink water comfortably but it had to be cold. Former me would have worried and panicked but it was fine. Remember, the plan is to focus and to treat whatever isn’t working like the distraction that it is.

This story is loooonnggg but I want to end it in this episode, so, let me fast forward.

I was approaching my delivery date and it didn’t look like my baby was ready to come. I started to panic because really, I was tired. I was due to have my baby on September 16th and the days kept crawling in on us without any sign of labour. At night, on the 17th, my husband said “Let’s go to the hospital and carry our bag along. We’re not coming back without a baby”

We did come back with a baby after 31 hours and 45 minutes. I spent about 19 hours stuck in 2 centimetres and the rest of the hours in active labour.

Dear Reader, I wish I could explain what this pain feels like but I have nothing to compare it with. It is a pain that starts and ends in itself. Absolutely nothing compares to it. However, when I saw my baby at 4:45 am that Tuesday morning, it felt like the whole world stopped to cheer me on. Nothing else mattered at that moment. Not my sore body! Nothing!

A few days after I had him, I lost control of the right side of my face. Yes, you read right. I was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy. My mouth was bent and I couldn’t shut my right eye. This hurt me so much. I cried bitter tears. I felt like my life had come to a halt. I thought I would never be able to do Spoken Word Poetry anymore.

So, while taking care of a newborn and my new body, I had to see a neurologist and physiotherapist weekly. Thankfully, it cleared off and my face is back to normal. Miracles are real, I tell you.

Remember when I said it was a limp in the park, this is exactly what I meant. But did I get round the park? Yes! Did I come back unscathed? Yes!

This experience gives me the confidence that no matter the trial if the outcome isn’t victory, then it’s not over yet. It will always end in victory when you stay with God.

If you read this far, I think you should leave me a comment, send me a text, or do something. I’d like to hear from you.




Spoken Word Poet | Emotional Intelligence Coach | Creative Writer| African Literatus